NHS England funded Specialised Assistive Technology Services provide both AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) and EC (Environmental Controls) to people across England. They comprise a number of services, some of which only provide AAC, some of which only provide EC and some which provide both. You can find which service provides AAC and EC Services in your local area by using the service finder.
Although often working with similar groups of people, AAC and EC Services are comissioned seperately and delivered differently. You can read more about both AAC Services and EC Services and their service specifications on their respective service pages.
You can also contact your local AAC / EC Service by consulting the list on the contact screen.
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Vestibulum facilisis ex eget tempus imperdiet. Nulla purus augue, tempor non massa quis, semper ultrices lorem. Curabitur vulputate egestas lectus et finibus. Sed ut velit sodales, hendrerit ligula ut, consequat odio. In at ultrices tellus, nec commodo eros. Vestibulum quis nibh quis turpis pretium porta. Sed et turpis accumsan, gravida augue vitae, pharetra metus.