Specialised AAC services assess for and provide appropriate assistive technologies for people with a severe or complex communication difficulty associated with a range of physical, cognitive, learning, or sensory deficits and a clear discrepancy between their level of understanding and ability to speak.
View ServicesEC SERVICES
Specialised EC services assess for and provide appropriate assistive technologies for people who have a severe disability which restricts their ability to independently operate standard handsets for control of the environment and access to computer technology.
View ServicesCOVID-19 AAC Resources
Ask the experts
Want to know how AAC and EC services in England have been working with people who need AAC and/or Environmental control (EC) during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Zoe Clarke (Chair of NHS England EC Advisory Group), Richard Cave (SLT at Compass in London who also works for the Motor Neurone Disease Association – MNDA) and Julie Atkinson (Chair of NHS England AAC Advisory Group) have recorded an ‘Ask the Experts’ webinar for the MNDA about how we have been providing AAC and EC services during the COVID pandemic
Ace Centre
Remote Working during COVID-19; tips & strategies for AAC Professionals
Patient-Provider Communication Forum
Due to COVID-related respiratory illness, a greater number of people need breathing tubes or ventilator support, which takes away the ability to speak. Hospitals and healthcare workers need resources to support communication in alternative ways.
The Patient-Provider Communication Forum, with support from the USSAAC is providing a FREE bank of communication tools to download and print, in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ATIA have produced a series of free webinars in the ATIA Learning Center together with an updating collection of resources and strategies for using AT during this time provided by ATIA members and the broader AT community.
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center in the US have published this page covering Communication supports for children and adults with complex communication needs during the COVID-19 pandemic
General Resources
Compass Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology Resources
Compass Specialised AAC Service has produced and collated a range of resources, including those around the response to COVID-19
Barnsley AT How-to Videos
Barnsley Assistive Technology Service have aproduced a range of useful how-to videos to demonstrate how to carry out a number of practical tasks related to the equipment we provide.
Ace Centre Resources
Ace Centre produce a number of resources on a regular basis. These range from resources to help you get started with AAC, Free Symbol & Alphabet charts as well as a range of publications for download.
ACT (Birmingham) Resources
ACT have published a useful guide on Voice and Message Banking Booklet
and a Symbol Based Communication Booklet
Assessment of Learning Process for AAC
ALP for AAC breaks down the learning process into 3 broad stages with 8 specific phases. Use this tool to understand and encourage your learner’s (client’s) progression with touch, switch, headpointing and eye tracking in AAC.
Understanding the virus and staying safe
It is difficult for all of us to understand the virus and what we need to do. It is particularly difficult if you have difficulty with reading or understanding lots of spoken words. This website points to others sites which have really useful ‘Easy Read’ resources which can help.
Communication Matters
Communication Matters is a UK-wide organisation that supports people of all ages who find it hard to communicate because they have little or no clear speech.
COVID-19 Resources for Home and Education
Great collection of useful links to technology and assistance, from all the main equipment suppliers and other sources.
NEW Home Access Licence and free HelpKidzLearn Resources from Inclusive Technology
HelpKidzLearn are sharing free resources and have launched a Home Access licence to help parents gain access to HelpKidzLearn during the COVID-19 outbreak.
This new license gives parents the opportunity to subscribe to HelpKidzLearn services on a monthly basis, at a reduced cost. Students will be able to continue learning with familiar resources, whilst parents are in control and have the power to cancel at any time.
Chatterpack’s’ Home Learning Resource Kit
Chatterpack has put together a fantastic and comprehensive list of inclusive home learning resources for schools and families. Scroll down for SEND specific resources and information, highly recommended!
Chatterpack’s specific SLCN & SEND free resource list
Direct link to Chatterpack’s specific list of FREE Speech, Language, Communication and SEND resources for schools and parent/carers – with lots of great links to information, resources and help during this challenging time.
CENMAC Home Learning Information Page
Useful collection of links and resources. Includes a direct link to Charlton Park Academy’s SEN resource areas which has some great downloads and links for helping with explaining coronavirus, educational resources and online games.
PrAACtical Resources: Dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic
An interactive graphic with links to many free downloadable resources that can be used to support AAC learners. Includes visual schedules for handwashing, social narratives, videos, educational materials and more.
Learning Disability England’s Resources for Individuals and Families
A great list of information and resources about the virus and what can be done to stay safe, well and stay connected during this challenging time. For people with learning disabilities, their families, friends, professionals, organisations and allies.
Special Needs Jungle’s Distance education resources for children and young people with SEND
A comprehensive and growing list of information and resources for children and young people with SEND and their families.
COVID-19 Resources from Suppliers
AssistiveWare’s Blog Resources
Assistiveware are sharing a variety of blogs to address some of the different questions and problems to help navigate these difficult times.
Topics are updated regularly and include:
– Using Proloquo2Go to talk about the coronavirus.
– Keeping AAC devices germ free.
– Using AAC in hospitals during the coronavirus.
– Resources for using AAC at home.
Liberator Coronavirus Update
During the current COVID-19 health concerns, Liberator is working to ensure minimal disruptions to our business while putting the safety and well-being of our customers, employees and community as our highest priority.
Smartbox Coronavirus Information and Resources
Smartbox are providing electronic and printable Super Core grids to support communication around the issue of Covid-19.
Smartbox also offers the free SimpleAAC to support early AAC users to continue to develop their communication skills over the coming weeks.
Techcess – free Coronavirus communication boards
Techcess have free Coronavirus Communication boards for Mind Express. Topic categories cover: information, preventative measures and health in addition to specific pages for use during medical consultations.
Tobii Dynavox – free Communication & Teaching Resources
Tobii Dynavox has created some free resources to suppport communication and learning at home due to the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures. All of these resources and more can be accessed via your MyTobiiDynavox account. Follow the link to start downloading or sign up for your free account if you don’t have already have one.
Widgit Online free for 30 days
Widgit are offering a free and extended licence to anyone who needs it for their entire online suite.
Sign up for AACInfo, a monthly newsletter of all things AAC
AAC Services
Listed below are Augmentative and Alternative Communication Services in England.

Access to Communication and Technology (ACT)
Service Details
Ace Centre (Abingdon)
Service Details
Ace Centre (North)
Service Details
Assistive Communication Service (London)
Service Details
Augmentative Communication Service (Great Ormond Street)
Service Details
Barnsley Assistive Technology Service
Service Details
AAC West
Service Details
Chailey Communication Aid Service
new link
Communication Aid Service East of England (CASEE)
Service Details
Compass Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology Service (West London)
Service Details
Dame Hannah Rogers Trust (Ivybridge)
Service Details
Electronic Assistive Technology Service (Lincoln)
Service Details
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Assistive Communication Service (London)
Service Details
Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology Service – Adults (Canterbury)
Service Details
Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology Service – Children (Canterbury)
Service Details
Regional Communication Aid Service (Newcastle)
Service DetailsEC Services
Listed below are the Environmental Control Services in England.

Access to Communication and Technology
Service Details
Assistive Technology Service (London)
Service Details
AT Telehealthcare Team
Service Details
Barnsley AT Team
Service Details
Bedfordshire EC Service (Dunstable)
Service Details
Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire EAT Service (Derby)
Service Details
Dorset, Hampshire and IOW ECS (Bournemouth)
Service Details
EAT Service (Lincoln)
Service Details
Electronic Assistive Technology South West (Bristol)
Service Details
Kent and Medway Specialist Equipment Service (Gillingham)
Service Details
Luton EC Service (c/o North Thames RECES)
Service Details
Norfolk EC Service (Norwich)
Service Details
North East Regional EC Service (Northumberland)
Service Details
North Thames Regional Environmental Control Equipment Service (RECES)
Service Details
North West Assistive Technology (Liverpool)
Service Details
Peterborough EC Service
Service Details
Specialist Disability Service
Service Details
Suffolk EC Service (Ipswitch)
Service DetailsAAC Services
Listed below are Augmentative and Alternative Communication Services in England.
- Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology Service (KM CAT)- Adult Team
- Kent and Medway Communication and Assistive Technology Service (KM CAT)- CYP Team
- Regional Communication Aid Service (RCAS)
- Suffolk Communication Aids Resource Centre (Ages 0 - 25)
- Guy's and St Thomas' Assistive Communication Service (GSTT ACS)
- Augmentative Communication Service - GOSH
- Dame Hannah Rogers Trust
- Electronic Assistive Technology Service - AAC (EATS)
- Compass Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology Service
- Assistive Communication Service - CLCH (ACS)
- Ace Centre North
- Chailey Communication Aid Service (CCAS)
- Communication Aid Service East of England (CASEE)
- Bristol Communication Aid Service (BCAS)
- Barnsley Assistive Technology Team
- Access to Communication and Technology (ACT), Birmingham
- Ace Centre South
EC Services
Listed below are the Environmental Control Services in England.
- North West AT Service
- Kent & Medway Specialist Equipment Service
- Leicestershire & Rutland EC Service
- Luton EC Service
- Electronic Assistive Technology South West
- Norfolk EC Service
- Northampton EC service
- North East Regional EC Service
- Specialist Disability Service, Oxford
- Dorset, hampshire & IOW ECS
- Regional Communication Aid Service (RCAS)
- North Thames RECES (Regional Environmental Control Equipment Service)
- Suffolk ECS
- Assistive Technology Service, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Electronic Assistive Technology Service - EC (EATS)
- Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire EAT service
- Bedfordshire EC service
- Barnsley Assistive Technology Team
- Access to Communication and Technology (ACT), Birmingham